Dialog v2

Use dialog component for all modals. It renders on top of the rest of the app with an overlay.
  • Draft
  • Not reviewed for accessibility
import {Dialog} from '@primer/react/drafts'

The dialog component is the Primer implementation of the ARIA design pattern Dialog. A dialog is a type of overlay that can be used for confirming actions, asking for disambiguation, and presenting small forms. They generally allow the user to focus on a quick task without having to navigate to a different page.

Dialogs appear in the page after a direct user interaction. Don't show dialogs on page load or as system alerts.

Dialogs appear centered in the page, with a visible backdrop that dims the rest of the window for focus.

All dialogs should have a title and a close button. Use the title prop to set the title. The close button is created automatically, but must be handled with an onClose prop.

Dialogs are modal. Dialogs can be dismissed by clicking on the close button, by interacting with another button in the overlay, or by clicking outside of the overlay.

Dialogs should not be dismissed by clicking outside the dialog's content area if used to add, update, or remove information. This would be the equivalent of a cancel action and may cause accidental data loss.

(Coming soon) Make sure larger dialogs remain mobile-friendly. Even large dialogs need to be responsive. A dialog's width and height will be readjusted depending on the screen size and should never exceed the available space. Use responsive solutions to adjust the UI so they behave well on smaller screens.

(Coming soon) Simple and small dialogs can remain as-is on mobile. As more elements are added to it, mobile-specific style variations such as Bottom sheet and Full-screen should be considered.


The dialog component is completely stateless. The parent component must conditionally render a dialog based on the necessary criteria. The parent component can be notified by a gesture to close the dialog (e.g. by clicking the "X" button or by pressing the Escape key) by passing in the onClose prop.


The dialog component is fully accessible out-of-the-box. The dialog's title is used for aria-labelledby, and the dialog's description is used for aria-describedby. The aria-modal="true" attribute is used to inform screen readers that the rest of the content on the page is inert.


The default keyboard API for a dialog employs three mechanisms:

  1. The Escape key can be pressed to close the dialog.
  2. Focus is trapped within the top-most dialog. When a dialog is opened, the close button receives initial focus by default, or on a button defined with autoFocus: true.
  3. If there are buttons in the dialog footer, focus can be moved between them with left and right arrow keys or tab/shift+tab.
  4. When a dialog is closed, it can optionally handle returning focus to the element that was focused immediately before the dialog was opened. Otherwise, it is the consumer's responsibility to move focus to a suitable element.

Custom rendering

Note: using custom rendering allows breaking out of the defined design, UX, and accessibility patterns of the dialog. Use only as a last resort.

By default, the Dialog component implements the design and interactions defined by the Primer design system. If necessary, you can provide custom renderers for the header, body, or footer using the renderHeader, renderBody, and renderFooter props, respectively. The JSX produced by these render props will render full-bleed into their respective areas of the dialog. If you are using the custom renderers, you should use the provided sub-components Dialog.Header, Dialog.Title, Dialog.Subtitle, Dialog.CloseButton, Dialog.Body, Dialog.Footer, and Dialog.Buttons to the extent possible.





Title of the Dialog. Also serves as the aria-label for this Dialog.


The Dialog's subtitle. Optional. Rendered below the title in smaller type with less contrast. Also serves as the aria-describedby for this Dialog.


Provide a custom renderer for the dialog header. This content is rendered directly into the dialog body area, full bleed from edge to edge, top to the start of the body element. Warning: using a custom renderer may violate Primer UX principles.


Provide a custom render function for the dialog body. This content is rendered directly into the dialog body area, full bleed from edge to edge, header to footer. Warning: using a custom renderer may violate Primer UX principles.


Provide a custom render function for the dialog footer. This content is rendered directly into the dialog footer area, full bleed from edge to edge, end of the body element to bottom. Warning: using a custom renderer may violate Primer UX principles.


Specifies the buttons to be rendered in the Dialog footer.

(gesture: 'close-button' | 'escape' | 'drag' | 'overlay') => void

This method is invoked when a gesture to close the dialog is used (either an Escape key press, clicking/tapping on the backdrop, clicking/tapping the 'X' in the top-right corner or dragging away a bottom sheet). The gesture argument indicates the gesture that was used to close the dialog.

'dialog' | 'alertdialog'

The ARIA role to assign to this dialog.

'default' | 'full-screen' | 'bottom-sheet'

The type of dialog to render. 'default' renders a dialog in the center of the screen. 'full-screen' renders the dialog full screen and ignored the width and height. 'full-screen' is often used for mobile breakpoints.

'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge'
'small' | 'large' | 'auto'


The DialogHeaderProps interface extends DialogProps and adds these additional properties:

Prop nameTypeDescription
dialogLabelIdstringID of the element that will be used as the aria-labelledby attribute on the dialog. This ID should be set to the element that renders the dialog's title.
dialogDescriptionIdstringID of the element that will be used as the aria-describedby attribute on the dialog. This ID should be set to the element that renders the dialog's subtitle.


The DialogButtonProps interface extends ButtonProps (see Button) and adds these additional properties:

Prop nameTypeDefaultDescription
buttonType"normal" │ "primary" │ "danger"ButtonThe type of button to render
contentReact.ReactNodeRequired. The button's inner content.
autoFocusbooleanfalseIf true, this button will be automatically focused when the dialog is first rendered. If autoFocus is true on subsequent button definitions, it will be ignored.


A ConfirmationDialog is a special kind of dialog with more rigid behavior. It is used to confirm a user action. ConfirmationDialogs always have exactly two buttons: one to cancel the action and one to confirm it. No custom rendering capabilities are provided for ConfirmationDialog.

useConfirm hook

An alternate way to use ConfirmationDialog is with the useConfirm() hook. It takes no parameters and returns an async function, confirm. When confirm is called (see ConfirmOptions below for its argument), it shows the confirmation dialog. When the dialog is dismissed, a promise is resolved with true or false depending on whether or not the confirm button was used.

Example (with useConfirm hook)

Example (using the full ConfirmationDialog component)


Prop nameTypeDefaultDescription
titleReact.ReactNodeRequired. Sets the title of the dialog, which by default is also used as the aria-labelledby attribute.
onClose(gesture: 'confirm' │ 'cancel' │ 'close-button' │ 'escape') => voidRequired. This callback is invoked when a gesture to close the dialog is performed. The first argument indicates the gesture.
cancelButtonContentReact.ReactNode"Cancel"The content to use for the cancel button.
confirmButtonContentReact.ReactNode"OK"The content to use for the confirm button.
confirmButtonType"normal" │ "primary" │ "danger"ButtonThe type of button to use for the confirm button.


Prop nameTypeDefaultDescription
titleReact.ReactNodeRequired. Sets the title of the dialog, which by default is also used as the aria-labelledby attribute.
contentReact.ReactNodeRequired. Used as the body of the ConfirmationDialog that is displayed.
cancelButtonContentReact.ReactNode"Cancel"The content to use for the cancel button.
confirmButtonContentReact.ReactNode"OK"The content to use for the confirm button.
confirmButtonType"normal" │ "primary" │ "danger"ButtonThe type of button to use for the confirm button.